안녕하세요, 잡학다식 입니다. 오늘은 과연 나사에서 어떤 방식으로 우주의 형상을 표현해 줄까요?
우선 이미지부터 볼 수 있도록 하겠습니다


해당 사진의 이름은 Plane, Clouds, Moon, Spots, Sun 인데요 우선 NASA에서 공식적으로 발표한 설명들을 확인해 보겠습니다


What's that in front of the Sun? The closest object is an airplane, visible just below the Sun's center and caught purely by chance. Next out are numerous clouds in Earth's atmosphere, creating a series of darkened horizontal streaks. Farther out is Earth's Moon, seen as the large dark circular bite on the upper right. Just above the airplane and just below the Sun's surface are sunspots. The main sunspot group captured here, AR 2192, was in 2014 one of the largest ever recorded and had been crackling and bursting with flares since it came around the edge of the Sun a week before. This show of solar silhouettes was unfortunately short-lived. Within a few seconds the plane flew away. Within a few minutes the clouds drifted off. Within a few hours the partial solar eclipse of the Sun by the Moon was over. Fortunately, when it comes to the Sun, even unexpected alignments are surprisingly frequent. Perhaps one will be imaged this Saturday when a new partial solar eclipse will be visible from much of North and South America. APOD editor to speak: in Houghton, Michigan on Thursday, October 12 at 6 pm


이번에도 광활한 우주 앞에 인간이 얼마나 작은 존재인지 다시 한번 알게 되는것 같습니다
저는 내일도 더 좋은 사진과 함께 돌아오겠습니다, 그럼 행목한 하루 되시길 바랍니다


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